Seminar on Accessible Communication from a Franco-German Perspective, Dijon, France, 06. – 07. June 2023
Accessible communication and access to information play a key role on the path to an inclusive society. Since the signing of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the demand of accessible communication has steadily increased. And indeed, in the wake of a global pandemic, the general public has become aware of the importance of access to comprehensible information. However, although the stated goal is the same, approaches often differ depending on the country and language. The seminar, organized by the research group TIL of the Université de Bourgogne and Tra&Co Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, with the support of the German-French Doctoral College Dijon-Mainz and the Franco-German University, took a closer look at these national and linguistic peculiarities and discussed the commonalities and differences. Present at the seminar were also members of French associations for the disabled. Both German, French and other European research groups had the chance to present ongoing research projects, discuss unresolved matters and future work with the associations in order to promote accessible communication in Europe and contribute to the realization of the UNCRPD.