KLAARA 2023 – 3rd International Conference on Accessible Language and Communication, Leiria, Portugal, 03.-07. July 2023
After the successful launch of the KLAARA Conference on easy-to-read (EtR) language research in Helsinki 2019, and the successful launch of the 2nd KLAARA Conference on Accessible Language and Communication in Switzerland, now the 3rd KLAARA Conference, designed in a partnership between FENACERCI, the Portuguese National Federation of Cooperatives and Social Solidarity, and the Polytechnic of Leiria took place in Leiria, Portugal, between the 3rd and 7th July 2023.
A small Team of the Translation & Cognition Center (Tra&Co) attended the 3rd KLAARA Conference and presented their completed or ongoing research on the field of accessible communication. Silvia Hansen-Schirra and Sophie Ziemer presented their research on Easy Language Machine Translation in cooperation with the Munich-based start-up SUMM AI. Furthermore, Silvia Hansen-Schirra and Dimitrios Kapnas also presented their research on non-professional communities for Easy Language translation in Germany. Finally, Dimitrios Kapnas presented his corpus linguistic work on the use of Gender-sensitive language in the context of Easy Language.
The conference was a full success, enabling cross-border information exchange, cooperation and inspiration for future work. The programme and information can still be accessed online: https://sites.ipleiria.pt/congressoklaara/conference/